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Old 2007-09-06, 20:43   Link #77
Miria's #1 Disciple
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by khryoleoz View Post
Well, OK. But I can't see how any more scenes of Teresa kicking ass would be boring. I think that more gratuitous Teresa scenes would be very welcome given we've been short changed with regard to her screen time. I dislike attributing loftiness to anything that doesn't warrant it also. But no one's attributing invincibility to Teresa. Fans are painfully aware of that fact. So again why would more Teresa kicking ass be boring, especially for a professing fan?
I love Teresa's extra scene, I just dont believe it was as good as the other two.
Also, you may be painfully aware that she wasn't invincible, but alot of her other fans sure dont seem to realize that.

Provided she can remember, I'd think so too. Teresa was probably her second most traumatic experience after her family's slaughter. I suspect she remembers Teresa's Yoki signature very well and this can give Clare some psychological advantage.
Possibly, but I would think it would provoke a more negative reaction if she recognized it, possibly making her go berserk, she did associate Teresa with the death of her parents after all.

If anything would give a psychological advantage against Priscilla, I seriously think it would be Miata.

In the end, I could see Priscilla becoming mentaly stable (maybe due to Raki's love power ) and not ending up dead by the end, hell she could end up being an ally for all we know.
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