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Old 2007-09-07, 09:00   Link #84
...and faintly smiling!
Join Date: Jul 2007
One thing is for sure - this story is one of the (if not THE) most beautiful work the mangaka has created for this series. The large/full page images of Rigald, Isley, and Priscilla are amazing. Priscilla's awakened form must be a b#$%^ to draw! Those wings and her face/head are so detailed... in the words of Rigald: superb!

And I personally think this is the best of the extra scenes to date. It reveals Isley's motivation for amassing the awakened beings, a subplot that has driven the main storyline since Riful's introduction - and whose fallout completely reorganized the balance of power in the Claymore world.

Great stuff.
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