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Old 2007-09-17, 17:04   Link #9
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
The 5 I'm voting for, in order of preference.

1. Kagami-sama - Before I knew Tohsaka, Sawachika, Chidori, and a certain Flame Haze, there was Kagami. Pretty much always going to be my #1 Tsundere (despite Shiraishi's protests)

2. Misao - The fang, the voice, the brilliant mind. Towards the end I would judge episodes almost solely on whether or not they had enough Misao. Probably my #1 favority of LS, but just doesn't quite have the same sentimental value as Kagami.

3. Nanako - Another fang, another winner. Plus the Leftovers, internets letdowns, and pride over her Kansai dialect. My super-prediction for the final episode was hooking it up with Kona-Dad, but I guess somethings would just be too perfect.

4. Konata - If she wasn't so damn entertaining, I probably would've dropped the series long ago. Kagami just wouldn't be the same without her.

5. HiyUri- Name says it all. Her dramatic falls and lack of memory seal it.

Honorable Mentions
Ayano - Always around when Misao is, so how could I not love her? Didn't quite get to speak enough, but the hair-down picture is enough for me. If only we got to see her dark-side that was hinted at.

Kona-Dad - I don't know how a shameless Lolicon like him couldn't make my list, but the top 5 were just too good. Still, asking your daughter for help with ero-games, showering your loli-ism to your daughter, niece, and their friends, yet still being the master of Love in Ep. 22 makes him my #1 Dad over Haruhi's from Ouran (Real one, very tough choice with Tamaki though)

Mi-Mi-Miracle Mino-run-run - made Lucky Channel bearable. Most of his ED's were pretty good too.

Hell, I liked pretty much everyone... except Miy-useless-ki and Akira. The only 2 Miyuki scenes i enjoyed were the eyedrops one, and winning the race with her chest. But neither would've been the same without Konata obsessing over her figure.

My Dream Miyuki Ending:
Mystery Dentist : Hmm, I see a potential cavity forming. Lets fix that up.
Miyuki: Ohhhh don't worry about it, i'll just brush more.
Miyuki: I have been drilled out of space-time and no longer exist.
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