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Old 2007-09-29, 23:04   Link #165
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Well, as with pretty much everyone else, my list of favorites is incredibly long, so were I to list it, I know I'd forget some.

Although I do want to mention Kotono Mitsuishi and Romi Paku. Although they are both quite versatile in vocal range, they wouldn't reach the top 5 of most versatile female seiyuu in that respect. However, they are definitely the most versatile in regards to playing a character. Neither have ever disappointed me in the characters they played and have always managed to make those characters come alive and give me chills/move me.

Although Kotono Mitsuishi did great in Evangelion, Noir and Sailor Moon as well, it's her performance in Excel Saga that's just unforgettable to me. And her character episode in Paranoia Agent I'll never be able to forget. Of course there are many other performances.

Romi Paku has been mentioned several times recently, so I don't really have anything to add. She's also a woman I'd love to meet in real life, she just appears as a joy to hang out with.

There's many more I adore, as mentioned, but not going to list them. However, I do want to say that for newcomers of sorts, I'm really looking out for Marina Inoue and Tetsuya Kakihara, as they both have, so far, given strong performances in what I've seen. In Marina's case I'm actually more pointing out to her performance in Terra e, instead of Gurren Lagann. I'm very curious what they'll bring in the future.

Last edited by Ronny; 2007-09-29 at 23:21.
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