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Old 2007-10-09, 11:05   Link #6263
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by rooboy View Post
Did you mean Suzumiya Haruhi or Seto no Hanayome? I only ask because you were talking about Seto about, but that's the abbreviation for Haruhi, so I'm sort of confused.

I think I've just decided to never refer to a series by anagram ever again. I never realized how confusing it could look to someone else.
SnHY != SHnY

And to margafred... wtf? You're sitting around gloating that Hayate lost because "CLEARLY" underhanded tactics were directed at helping Hayate win... when the fact is that relatively speaking, not much at all was done to make Hayate win. I have no reason to accuse anyone of anything because really, the fake voting was rather light overall in the match, but it's obvious that if anything, underhanded tactics were used more strongly in an effort to make Hayate LOSE than the other way around.
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