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Old 2007-10-12, 10:54   Link #2276
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
So many posts and can't read them all =]

Personally I think this anime is just great, and i actually love almost every espisode of it.
Give it 9.5 out of 10, my top mark, also found a new candidate for my top 5 animes now. Also Hei is the second male lead that i really (really) like, other than Kenshin in his OVA.
There is some personal reason that make this anime stand out to me than many other anime.

Some thoughts about the ending arcs ( i waited to watched all 3 of them at one)

It was so pitiful seeing Huang, Mao and so many other contractor died during their missions, include those dolls. I found that they didn't die meaningless through. Even with her skill, Amber herself have to stop and reset so many times during the mission till her final limit; so she can guarantee that they will be able to bring Hei to centre of the gates. Remember that she mentioned about how they couldn't come this close in Heaven (or Hell?) gate before?

The part hit me the most is when Hei was given two choices that he can't decide, and Amber sacrificed herself so he can choose both.

This is really a masterpiece anime with a great ending. The death and sacrifice make it great, but also make me feel extremly empty and sad. I will feel mroe happy at a happy ending when no sacrifice been made, but it will not give me this strong and heavy emotion.

Feel like a part of me just ended.
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