Thread: Lisa Williams
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Old 2007-10-14, 16:39   Link #8
Crystal Requiem
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Originally Posted by Solace View Post
It makes me sick. How can people fall for this bull? These people are not reading spirits, they aren't reading psychic waves or anything like that. They are reading you. Much like any other good con artist they say something, read your reaction, and go from there. In many cases they will mingle with their audiences before the readings and gather personal information to make their readings more "accurate".
Although I've never watched phony stuff like this, I do appreciate a good ruse from time to time. And.... Well, it sells. There are people out there who will do anything to cling onto faith and hope that there is something more out there to make them feel at ease. Sometimes these people ARE idiots, sometimes they're just desperate. For the most part, the supernatural and fantasy has always made money, so it's milked just like any other phony talent that can bring happiness to a person.

Lol, sorry, your explanation made me think of xxxHOLiC, depending on the question, one hears what they want to hear, so certain statements can be taken either way. I've always loved those kinds of tricks.
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