Thread: Licensed Bokurano
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Old 2007-10-21, 14:51   Link #771
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Bokurano. The Story

Final Thoughts. Finally, my trek for this anime has ended, as of today I have concluded Bokurano.

Certainly, when I started watching the first episode picked a slow pace, but the storyline started to get interesting from episode two and onwards.

I really appreciate how they designed and drew the characters. I was just a little fed up watching anime featuring characters with shining colors and cool features. Bokurano went for a realistic aim.

But still I'm as well felt that major plotholes were left unresolved like the greedy bureaucrat's urban contract revival projects and others as such.

The plotline referring to the masterminds is out of consequence, because as Kanji said they were out of their league and could not be stopped. In fact, the main storyline never intended to have the children fight against the masterminds. It simply told the story of the 15 fifteen who rode Zearth to protect their Earth.

I read as well that the director of the anime was very displeased with the content featured in the manga, and thus made drastic changes to the direction and the way the anime was handled.
In fact, he requested to the manga-ka that if it was possible to save the children. The manga-ka agreed but only on the condition that their salvation would never include a DEUS EX-Machina or any other sort of magical solutions.

At the end, someway or another the director fullfill the manga-ka's wishes, and thus the children were not revived, and I praise him for that decision because had they been resurrected then it would had cheapened the values of their sacrifices as well to the characters.

Overall, the last episode actually felt as the ending of an ordinary episode and not a closure. But analyzing the broad picture it is befitting because this one out of many thousands tales from different Earths out there.

I guess that if there's any theme or moral is it that the moment we are borned our struggle starts to cling to life as much as possible and not to be left behind.

Anyways, I give thanks to The-Triad for their fansubs and give special thanks to GONZO for delivering storyline and treating the audience with a humble but immersive ending.

This has been the fifth title I have finished for the spring season.
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