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Old 2007-10-31, 14:14   Link #277
Join Date: Dec 2005
This series is really getting worse, IMO. The political intrigues are hilariously bad. If the CBs are so much against secession and rebels (how does secede from an alliance anyway?) and want to stop war, the easiest way would be to help one of the big three conquer the whole world and help them get rid of rebellions for a while, any other way would simply not work in the long run. The country of Marina still has reserves of oil? In the 24th century? And since there was turmoil they did not elect a new government or made a coup or became communists, etc but willingly reverted to monarchy? OK, now that's realism indeed. Venez...oops, Taribia was anti-american and now it won't be, even though there will be union troops in there. Why exactly?
As I said before - they sould either come up with new regional conflicts or they should have simply set the conflict in the 21st, not 24th century.

Real IRA decided to stop fighting for no reason other than the CBs actions somewhere else, as I expected.

Still none of the characters has shown any depth whatsoever, maybe because they are too busy with all these pretentious conversations which repeat Celestial Being every few seconds. And a new, dramatically improved FLAG as early as the fourth episode. Why?

This Saji fellow reminds me of a harem anime main character, every time I see him, I picture him desperately looking for the group of females madly in love with him that are supposed to be in the series but are not.

At least Marina is not all knowing and capable from the start but the way things are going now, she might be a great leader by episode 15 which would be just stupid.
'The world we live in is always in darkness.'
'Yes, and that is why we seek light.'

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