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Old 2007-11-08, 16:01   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama View Post
Well alright, here we are again. I hope people will just keep an open mind on what I have to say.

After 6 eps, I'm still not liking any of the characters all that much, in fact I almost dislike most of them. It's hard to care about Tomoya or what his future is going to be like with him being another of those classic Key sarcastic teenager type leads, it's hard to like Youhei with his over the top alpha male wannabe personality (I also don't like his voice much) and Fuuko's moeness is just not working for me anymore. Thus, even if things do get more tragic, which they are bound to, and it's horrible to say it, but I don't think I'll care buy into the pathos for any of the characters.

The show continues to be absolute eye candy, and Fuuko on the beach in the one dreamish sequence was excellent loli fanservice, but...... I just don't feel anything for her. How is that? Something else good to say, something else..... Fuuko glowing with an aura of bubble stars is kind of amusing, and the overlays are unexpected, random and enhance the mood of some situations.

Still though, liking the characters is a key to enjoying a series, and none of that eye candy and fanservice is really going to help enhance my overall experience, if I can't get up about the average level because of this. Now I'm sure I'll be countered on this point a number of times, but it's not going to help me like the characters more. It's beyond the point of just disliking Youhei now. It's still early, and there's always room for building characters and plotlines (Gundam 00 took it's time as well) so we'll just have to see. Until then I'll have lots of pretty pictures to look at. Though I still can't give this episode anything higher than a 5 again.
I'm pretty much having the same problem as you. Because I usually enjoy Key's works so much, I'm gonna try to stick with least until ep 13 to see if it picks up. Overall, yea.....I totally agree that its harder to get into the characters as much as other Key series. Also, the story is dragging a bit, Though lately its been getting better. On the bright side though, I think its the funniest Key anime to date, so thats one aspect of the show I'm absolutely enjoying. (btw, I haven't seen ep 6 yet.)

and Kinny: no need to BASH someone for simply stating their opinion.
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