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Old 2003-11-13, 22:43   Link #15
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Springfield
Age: 46
Originally Posted by Lambda
Nothing too obscure from me, but I'd rather rave about something brilliant and just not known well enough, rather than something good and completely unknown.

Princess Tutu: Don't be put off by the name! Pretty soon you get a great plot with fascinating themes, brilliant characters, and it's just about the only anime that you could describe as inpeccably choreographed. Best consistent use of classical music ever.

Kodocha: An extremely funny comedy of the "manic" variety that rises above the rest by actually having a really good serious story behind it all, and being able to "slow down" on occasion and get some good emotional moments.

Gunbuster: As a very effective mixture of hard science fiction, melodrama and parody it's inherently extremely interesting, but it's the great characters and incredible direction which really drive it.

Vampire Princess Miyu OVAs: Dark, haunting and beautiful. Very different from the norm, and it's difficult to see how it could be any better.
Besides Princess Tutu, all the other ones are pretty popular among anime circles. I think because they are sort of getting old now you dont hear much about them anymore.
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