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Old 2007-11-18, 09:47   Link #606
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Originally Posted by plzd0ntkeelme View Post
I wonder why Aoki has no romantic interest on her tho'. I mean he never dated and all so to have a hot and kind woman like Hoin sensei around should get him interested at least.
I think, like many anime males, he is just too clueless to pick up on Hoin's interest.

For Rin's sake, he should find a woman or something instead of dwelling in the past. This also goes to Aoki who should just date Hoin sensei and make Rin stay away for good.
The problem is, that would leave Rin "abandoned" by both the men in her life, something which I don't think she could deal with at this point, given her fragile emotional state (and it is fragile, given how easily Aoki can hurt her, without meaning to).

Obviously, unless Aoki is willing to wait 10-12 years for Rin to grow up, nothing truely romantic can come of Rin's releationship with Aoki. Still he is going to need to be there for her for quite a while yet before she can heal and grow enough to have a more normal "father/daughter" or "big brother/little sister" fashion relationship with him and accept another woman in his life.

Just my 2¢
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