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Old 2007-11-24, 04:25   Link #72
Ermes Marana
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Dave1988 View Post
You just didn't get it I'm sorry to say.

Both Simon and Nia had done the impossible at the end of the series. Simon defeated the almost god-like Anti-Spiral and Nia managed to survive till her wedding day instead of wanishing after the Anti-Spiral went down.

Simon didn't become a hobo. He's a wanderer passing on the story of the Dai-Gurren Dan. Besides he states multiple times "I am Simon the Digger.". Nothing more, nothing less. He fullfilled his mission, saved the Earth, saved and married the woman he loved and that was it. He has done his part. He left the younger generation to take care of things.

It's that simple.

Yes, Gurren's dominant theme is "Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" however it also sport the themes of growing up, sacrifice and overcoming despair.

Kamina's death had meaning. There was no meaning to Nia disappearing.

It was just "oh, by the way, everything the AS created has to disappear for some reason."


And then there is the fact that Simon could have restored her body BEFORE she disappeared.

LordGenome was very worried about Spiral Nemesis, but he still didn't think twice about giving Viral a new immortal body.

Simon couldn't give Nia a mortal body before she disappeared?

And the epilogue, Simon was just too young to spend the rest of his life wandering alone saying he is "nobody". And I didn't think he was inspiring at all. Saying you are "nobody" is not the way Kamina inspired Simon. If I met a guy like old Simon it would depress me, not inspire me. You can say it is what Simon wanted to do with the rest of his life, but if so, then that tarnishes Simon's character to me. Deciding to become a wandering hobo with no name at such an age does not seem right.
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