Thread: Licensed Dragonaut ~ The Resonance
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Old 2007-11-27, 11:18   Link #1018
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Hakuryu_Hikaru View Post
Her character sucks and not only hers. I picked on the most innocent thing I've found and all hell broke loose. I just wondered, why go to such trouble to have a earth exactly look alike in the moon. That costs a lot of money! If they didn't tell me it was the moon, I wouldn't know. What's the plot/narrative meaning of that? None. Then again, people go to Japan to eat at McDonalds. Yeah, spend whatever hundreds of dollars and trouble to travel for that. I gather *many* levels of non-sense out of that.

The most obvious metaphor here is resonance for sex. It's so crass. I mean riding somebody!WTF!!!! The couples are totally outrageous. A dirty old man and a prepubescent girl. Her dog and the geezer have the same name, for f***'s sakes!To me, personally, it's just creepy. And the gay ones! They insult the gay community as a whole. And that thing of Jin carry the girl and dog carrying the girl. I am scarred for life with such images. Does that mean that I have to see it *all* to say it's crap? I won't subject my psyche to more of such visual traumas, I like myself!
Welcome to my ignore list.

First, there is the questionable issue of what Jin thought gave him the right to barter one life for another, without even asking Gio if he was willing. Obviously, he values Toa's life more that he does Gio's, but the last couple episodes had indicated that he at least cared enough for Gio to offer him a place in their nacient "family". Now he is ready to just betray him with hardly a second thought?

Even setting that aside, what lead Jin to believe that he had the ability to commit Gio to such a bargain? Certainly Gio had done nothing to indicate that he considered himself in any way under Jin's authority up to this point. Why should Jin seemingly believe that Gio will automatically do as he tells him now?
I really would like to believe that Jin was deceiving Kazuki with this deal as obviously nothing orced Gio to actually do what Jin had promised but it seems more likely that Jin had forgotten what rational thinking was...not that he has shown much rationality overall anyway.

With that said I really hope Jin forgives her quickly and not waste 2-3 ep with that.
Er, why? I thought the problem was the characters behaving illogically and here you are asking Jin to forgive her, as if she has stolen some toy from him and not caused the death of his whole family? That sure won't be in character for him at all, he was pissed at her for simply abandoning him after all.
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