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Old 2007-11-29, 04:06   Link #44
King of Eroge
Join Date: Oct 2007
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At first I wasn't going to buy the American authentic DVDs because I'm one of the people against dubs. So instead I was going to buy the Japanese ones just to have sitting in my room and look at the pretty cases. Then it struck me that I don't have to watch it English dubbed hahaha. I've read that the subtitles were good. I've seen Air by 2 different fansubbers and they were both well done and close to each other. I'm hoping watching it again with ADVs subs (They are the ones who Sub these DVDs right?..not 100% sure) won't ruin it for me. Like, you know when you watch something so much that you memorize the words and can easily get annoyed when something is out of place? I'm hoping that the wording is exactly the same ! xD yea right. As long as it's as good as everyone has said, I'll get used to it I'm sure.

Hey, I'm not a big DVD buyer so my next question might sound stupid. but they didn't have like a limited edition of Air DVDs right like they do in Japan and with the Air game? If so (which I doubt) then I'm very sad to of missed it. =(

Well going to go to best Buy and buy these DVDs soon...Back in 2005 I thought I'd never see the day when Air could be seen inside best Buy lmao. And to me it looks so out of place.

I'm so pissed at myself for missing my chance to pre-order the Misuzu doll from HLJ last year. It wasn't until recently that I've been buying tons of merchandise, so I missed my chance of buying Air merchandise at its retail price. =( I just wish I was an Air fan since the games time. But yea, I'll probably never see that do9ll again and at the time it was only like 120$. Which I'm guessing I'd have to pay WAY more to buy that now since they most likely didn't make a lot due to the cost of making the dolls. And come on, it's Misuzu, so rare.

EDIT: Actually while on in the Air merchandise tread: Does anyone have a COMPLETE list of Air plushies? I've been searching for a Misuzu one since 2005 and have finally found it. I thought I'd be spending several hundred dollars on it but found it on EBAY for 18$. hell, i've been E-baying Air merchandise daily for the past 2 years. I always see the same stuff on there and actually, there hasent been much Air merchandise at all on E-bay in the past few months. Never thought i'd see a Misuzu plushie on E-bay. O.O

Well It's the one of her in her PJs and short hair, which I didn't know existed. And I know of two other Misuzu's that I don't own yet. One in her pink and white summer clothing, and the other in her school uniform. Anymore of her?

Then for kano I have a large version, and a mini one. I think there is one with her holding Poteto right?

I have one large Minagi one. (Same size as Large Kano)

And one *normal* Michiru one, same size as the Misuzu one I have.

Since I was an idiot and got into collecting stuff so late, I seriously blew my chances of getting Poteto. I was a fan around at the time when they weren't THAT rare online, and then as the weeks and months went on, more and more were being auctioning off and more and more people wanted one. Now I can't see myself getting/finding one.

I'm more than happy with my Misuzu though since I never thought I'd find it for sale and now that it's finally sitting on my shelf, I'm lost in thought.
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