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Old 2007-12-03, 03:59   Link #60
Yummy, sweet and unyuu!!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
I really enjoyed this epi. I felt it a shame that Yuri bumped into Margery instead of... errr actually I can't really think which Flame Haze we have met would have been able to help him grow, instead of getting burnt up like a moth to flame.

This really does highlight the issue that the Flame Hazes suffer from. It been stated that they fight alone, but so far we have seen quite a lot of collaboration, but if they are not used to it, then they must trample on each others toes a lot when they are forced to work together. Balle Masque shows that the evil ones are quite capable of working together (well apart from the secret little plans).

Yuji's silver flames are pretty interesting for the Margery element, but also raises the question "what the Dango is he?". General categorisation is he is a torch or a mistes. But they burn out, and Yuji doesn't as he get replenished every night. He has the capacity of a Crimson Lord and now is able to cast spells. Crimson lords from what I gather need a human host to function and Yuji doesn't so does that make him more like a tomogara?

For example lets say that black hole boy gets down with all this casting stuff and gets good at it. Then lets say he looses the Reiji Maigo. His existence is huge so he won't burn out quickly, so what is to stop him from using a unrestricted spell, or a hougu from devouring the existence of others? In essence he would be a tomogara.... Of course I haven't taken into account his personality would most probably stop him from taken such action.
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