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Old 2007-12-11, 14:36   Link #644
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by GammaRed View Post
I know this is a tad off topic, but is dose have to do with KNJ, I just watched Ep 6 of the KNJ anime. the Aki-chan arc. When I read the pages of that arc, they made me sad, and I enjoyed the artwork. But when I watched it in the anime, I was in tears with the compleat and total sadness of the scean where Aki wrote a note just befor her death, saying. "I'm sorry"

I dont know why, but seeing the sequince of events leading up to her death, was much more heart wrenching than reading them, EVEN THO.... I knew it was comeing.

I think that the anime did the Aki getting sick and dieing arc much more justus than the pages of the manga.

I just wanted to say that. And I wonder if anyone else has had a chance to see the dicotomy between the 2 modes of story telling.... now I need to go get drunk. I hate truely sad things!
that's why i try to keep away from that specific chapter and episode. i've only seen the episode and read the manga once and it made me baaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww like a little girl.
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