Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2007-12-13, 10:10   Link #602
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the Horizon
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Avatar_notADV View Post
We can point out that the systems of magic were in conflict in the past (possibly not an actual war, but there was at the least a struggle for superiority), and nobody came up with the AMF then... or if they did, it was lost in the following chaos. Gotta remember that the actual establishment of the TSAB is pretty recent from a historical perspective, and they do not have good histories for things as recent as 300 years ago, implying at least one and more likely several disasters in between.

Nowadays they get along pretty well, so there's a lot less incentive for Belkans to try to come up with an AMF. Maybe it's possible. Keep in mind, though, that the gadgets had some sort of power system at least derived from (if not directly fueled by) Lost Logia; it's quite possible that the methods of generating an AMF are completely incompatible with anything a current Belkan can do unassisted.
Hmm, I agree that there need not to have an actual war, but perhaps something similar to an arms race or even Cold War between both sides. For myself, I would imagine that both sides would be eager to research anti-magi techniques and tactics, with Belka having a greater incentive due to the reasons I mentioned.

I found these while skiming through Nanohawiki. About Ancient Belka and the Sankt Kaiser:

古代ベルカ †
そこは、聖王と呼ばれる王が治めていたが、ロストロギアの暴走で滅びたとも言われる。また、少数ながら難民 としてミッドに逃れた人もいるらしい。
聖王の遺伝子を持ったヴィヴィオが「遺伝子的に古代ベルカ時代、約300年前の人物が母親」と言われていた 事から、少なくとも約300年前には古代ベルカは残っていた模様。

聖王(Sankt Kaiser) †
聖王教会にて祀られている古代ベルカの王。そして、巨大な戦艦である聖王のゆりかごの持ち主だ った人物。
その聖遺物は聖王教会に保管され、長らく管理されていたものの、聖遺物の管理をしていた司祭によって聖骸布 (聖王の亡骸を包んだ布)が盗み出されることで、聖骸布に付着していた聖王の遺伝子情報がばら撒かれること になった。
結果、その遺伝子情報を元に様々な試行錯誤が繰り返された(ジェイル・スカリエッティの非道な実験の数々の 大半はこれに直結している)後、ようやく事実上唯一の成功例としてヴィヴィオが生み出されるに 至る。
またヴィヴィオの見せた虹色の魔力光は「カイゼル・ファルベ」と呼ばれる色彩で、聖王の血統に頻出する現象 とされている。
From what I gather, the Belkan race actually originated from another world. It seems that like Al Hazerd, Ancient Belka was destroyed by LL mis-use, and the survivors escaped to Mid, perhaps like how Elendil and his folk escaped the destructiion of Numenor. Which could mean that the Cradle may be what they used to escape the destruction of their world, and the status of the Belkan SAR.

If so, this could also partially explain the decline of Belkan magic. Much of their knowledge may have been lost along with their civilisation, and the survivors may not have the means to fully re-create everything again. Which sounds reasonable, seeing how the Wolkenritter are somewhat regarded as important study subjects by the Church.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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