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Old 2007-12-22, 14:06   Link #18
You are Dominated!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Earth
Age: 35
A very good episode.

After many episodes of Marina seeking help, we finally get to see the story arc involving Azadistan. It's interesting with the invent of solar energy, those eastern countries with oil are deemed useless and kinda abandoned. Azadistan is a total mess. I have no idea why the conservatives are so against the solar energy though....

Damn Ali Al Sarges. I hate this guy. He's going to start a war in Azadistan? I hope Setsuna will kick his ass next, um, the next next week

Dynames VS Custom Flag is definitely awesome. They are on equal grounds and I really want to see how the battle will continue. Too bad for the interruption though. Speaking of Flag, Graham likes to shout during battle doesn't he? But does his opponents actually hear him? I don't think so

As expected, Marina is pretty much an useless leader, without the ability to make any decision. The civil war in Azadistan is too hard for her, but I think this incident will make her stronger and a better leader.

Poor Setsuna. His past still haunts him and he tries to become the Gundam that saved him in the past but fails to save all the young soldiers. The scene where Exia stands and his blades all over the ground just screams badass!

I like the last line. "I can't become the Gundam..."

Looking forward to the next episode (I hate to wait for 2 weeks). Looks like Exia will become the God!
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