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Old 2007-12-23, 10:11   Link #612
Twisted Reality
Is Neither Goth Nor Emo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by panzerfan View Post
My only question on that sneering bastard is how that Fujiwara has stated already that he has no concern about who holds the very power that can alter destiny. Whether or not if he is being an ungrateful defeatist isn't really much of a weighing factor from my perspective.

How would anyone know at this moment what the exact relationship between Kuyou Suou is to Fujiwara is at any rate? Nagato has very limited information about the Cosmic Canopy Domain. On that note, the only opposition faction that there's any level of sufficient understanding from members of the SOS Brigade would be Tachibana's group.

Sasaki, from how she has been portrayed, does not seem a fool and doesn't seem to be easily manipulated. The prospect of a forced coronation by the hands of these rather disjointed 'subjects' around her at this moment seems unlikely. Besides, Sasaki would be asking for extra work, should she carry out the mandate of 'betterment of humankind' which she does not see as her responsibility.

Sasaki is personally content with herself and the perpetual dull social machine that exists around her. There is no reason why she has to take any sort of reactionary response even on her personal behalf at this moment, and to me, she feels no obligation to do so for the masses. Sasaki, if anything, might be all the more interested in having Kyon's prime seat and have the power of the final say with a pen, for she is in an interesting and absurd time, and that pen allows an individual to render judgment across the boundary of spacetime without ever leaving the desk where you picked it up and began writing.
Sounds about right. I think this is probably why Kyon took notice of Sasaki in the first place.
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