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Old 2007-12-29, 21:51   Link #120
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by Grimkill7 View Post
May not be very fair, but that doesn't really matter. We all know Yoshida has no chance of ending up with Yuji. Even if she did beat out Shana for Yuji's heart (an idea which I find hilariously improbable), there would still be the whole issue of Yuji = immortal, Yoshida = Not. So I say let her have her moment in the spotlight, as her efforts will be fruitless in the end.
Yep, Yoshida has ZERO chance, despite the fact that her sweet easygoing demeanor actually fits Yuji better in some ways (disregarding the whole immortality issue). The scene where Yoshida asked if she could wait for him--not a good sign in the first place for her prospects--ended with Yuji looking like a nice guy trying to figure out how to tell a love-struck friend he had no romantic feelings for her without breaking her heart. He got saved by the PA announcement.
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