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Old 2007-12-30, 19:24   Link #650
Taiga Yea!!!
Join Date: Sep 2007

Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle View Post
Now that you mention Batman, think of Tsuruya-san as someone like Lucius Fox, a very valuable ally who isn't in the know-how of Bruce Wayne's true identity as Batman, but yet can more or less accurately guess what's going on. Though Tsuruya-san chooses not to pry too much and just enjoys her time with the SOS Brigade whenever she has the chance to.
Please, I do apologized about the Bruce-Wayne and Batman concept, I still don't understand on that... sorry.

As far I understand Tsuruya-san is more a member of the SOS-Brigade as much as Kyon, but not directly. Her dwellings is far covertly then the rest of the members like Nagato, Mikuru and Koizumi.

I do apologized on the Batman concept, can you or someone please shed a light it, I'm in the shadow about it.

Thank you

Domo arigato

Once again sorry, if someone can explain on it. I've appreciate it alot
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