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Old 2008-01-07, 22:02   Link #163
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Dear lord, I re watched the Shakugan no Shana Movie out of boredom and fell in love with the series again. That was a nice jostle to remind me how this series really is like. Now I am expecting a great deal of awing events to come!

Withdrawal hurts, so if you are an anime addict like me do the following:

1. Dial 911
2. Look out the window to see if anything has changed in the past two years
3. Work
4. Call J.C. Staff and threaten to impeach them.
5. Re-Introduce yourself to your immediate family.

If this does not seem to quell your withdrawal symptoms then you can plot how to take over the world so you can decide what anime gets released and when it releases.
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