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Old 2008-01-09, 07:27   Link #28
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Finally got around to finishing all of episode 2. All in all it left me with pretty much mixed feelings. On the one hand I thought all the supernatural elements were pretty awesome, on the other it seems to totally defeat the whole point of the conversations between Battler and Beatrice. I'm still hoping that all the magic is faked somehow and it's all some sort of human conspiracy.

One thing that kind of got to me was the eagerness of Shotgun Rosa to blame everything on the others instead of on the witch which she herself had seen multiple times at that point. Even if it's possible to explain away the supernatural as daydreams or hallucinations it's still a fact multiple people have seen a 19th person (real or otherwise), and to point the blame at each other instead of the uninvited guest that conveniently disappears on the first night seems rather odd. Especially since the certainty provided by Beatrice's red text about for example the amount of keys or the way rooms were locked is not available to the people in the story.
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