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Old 2008-01-15, 21:00   Link #30
An Intellectual Idiot
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Originally Posted by Solace View Post
No, the outcome is still the same. Unless you find some magical elixir that grants immortality, you are going to die someday. That's the fate of every living thing and there is nothing anyone can do to change that.

So your life is predetermined, leading to what I said in my post that you quoted....
Well of course your going to die...That's obivously pre-determined ((Off topic, but is "Pre-determined" hiphinated or no?)). What I'm saying is that you have a path along the way that you take...Say.....The start of the path is when you are born...The end of the path is when you die. So along that path in which you are on, along the way you have choices to make it with the example, detours....Temptations, etc...Every choice you make will effect the outcome as you get further along the path. So, if you walk all the way on the path avoiding everything, and making as little choices as possible, ((Just so you know..This is kinda off your quote..just giving more explinations to my belife xD)) then your life has little value. The more choices you make, the more value your life gains...It's a matter of a value that you want or don't want. Now, ironically, always making the choices that you are for sure are the right thing can be bad as an outcome. In life, you are tempted to make wrong choices, and sometimes you take them which can give you a better outcome. This temptations can make life more fun, filling, profitable, etc...So, to make your life have more value, you take more dangerous choices..This is because by taking these choices you will meet new people, gain more respect in some areas, etc....More this happens, more value you have because the more people you know, the more people will remember you when you reach the end of your path. So in a technical sense, everyones life has value. It starts off small, and it's your choices that will make it grow. ((and I should state that I love this thread ^_^
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