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Old 2008-01-28, 15:01   Link #660
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Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo View Post
Just to repeat something I said a couple of times in spoilers before the sub for ep4 came out: don't jump to conclusions. Hiromi may actually like Isurugi Jun, and may actually see Shin as a brother. We just don't know yet.

One thing that makes me think she does like Jun is how happily she seemed to Shin to be talking abut Jun. Shin was shocked that his image of her as a sad person was contradicted by that, and felt that he had misunderstood her. Maybe she's faking it, maybe she isn't. She was fairly convincing, anyway.

Why was she so amused and happy in the tooth-brushing scene? Was it because she had been able to tell Shin she liked someone else, and felt the air had been cleared somewhat? Or was it because she felt closer to him, which is where she wants to be?

In any case, even if she likes Shin, she has been told by Shin's mom to keep her paws off him, and she is doing her best. Maybe even to the extent of falling in love with someone else.

The interpretation that she is telling Shin in the preview that he shouldn't have set her up with Jun is certainly the natural one, but previews often mislead.

Like SvenTheSweeper this and Spice & Wolf are the two new shows I most look forward to. Especially this one.
You say all of this, but do you actually believe it? Does anybody reall truly believes that she may like anyone other that Shin. Like i have said at least twice before if she does not then this become pretty boring.

Since Ai won't act becaus eof seeing Noe and the friend (forgets name) is there even though she probably will break it off before the end. Unless something drastic happens.

Noe won't act because of her strange personality and because of Hirmomi.

Hiromi won't act because of number 4 and the mother not wanting her close to Shin.

^^all of this is if Hiromi does not like Shin.
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