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Old 2008-02-12, 14:01   Link #12
Wagering his life...
Join Date: Jun 2006
Here's my guesses as of watching episode 6

Shin and Hiromi will have lots of awkward moments driving them further apart until Hiromi can't take it anymore and decides to end things with Jun and admit to Shin she likes him, but by then it will be too late. Ai will have taken her shot with Shin but partly out of loyalty to Nobuse and partly because he doesn't like her that way, Shin will reject her. He will go out with Noe thinking doing so will make Noe happy as was his promise with Jun.

In the end Shin will be heartbroken by both his confusion over Hiromi's feelings and the nasty situation between her and his mother. There may be something that will make Hiromi leave.

In the end Noe will help Shin find a way to get with Hiromi. Note that Noe's "collecting Shin's tears" is a metaphor to comforting him when he will be sad, as Noe's grandmother comforted her. True love will be achieved through much pain and sadness but in the end Hiromi and Shin will be together.
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