Thread: Licensed Bamboo Blade
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Old 2008-02-14, 06:18   Link #903
Yummy, sweet and unyuu!!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
/me runs around on fire

@Onizuka-GTO - I very much agree with you on this. From what we have seen of how Tama acts, she doesn't go ga ga over winning or losing. The last match against the bully girl was all about justice. Now if people want to raise that as a lesson she needs to learn then fair enough.

When people go on about her needing to lose to learn a life lesson, I want to know the reasons why in relation to Tama and the show. Not generic how to live life by some sound bite. To me it sounds as senseless as the poo that politicians spew out.

I have to agree with you in regards to the whole it makes you stronger motto in sports shows, but scary thing is people actually practice this in real life. Instead of thinking about an individual they wield the life lessons with what they have seen on TV.

The crazy thing is people have been going on about losing so that you can emphasise with people who lose. But they are doing the exact opposite of what they preach. If you look at the way Tama behaves through out the show, she has shown none of the characteristics that you see in the normal must get knocked down to get up characters. Life lessons should be tailored for that individual, I mean it is their life at the end of the day. That is why I keep going on about point out actions of Tama's that require for her to lose to learn. I can see none. She is learning stuff she needs all the time as Onizuka-GTO quite rightly says such as social skills and having fun.

@DK - The loss actually I think was far more serious then a lot of people are thinking it is. Now everyone is concentrating on Tama's reaction to a personal loss, and if it can count as a personal loss since sensei 1 interfered.

Now why do I think this is very important to Tama's character development.... Notice before the match starts how Tama is worried about Kirino and about the team winning (notice no worrying about herself winning or losing). I wasn't too impressed with the Ishida putting even more pressure on Saya and everyone else. As Saya quite rightly said she knows Kirino better then he does oO.

After Tama's encounter with bully chan, Tama gets fired up. Now we have already been around in circles about this so I won't say rightly or wrongly. She is fired up because her sense of justice has been slap across the face by a very wet glove.

So this loss for Tama is huge, in a sense she let her team down and she let her sense of justice down. Once Kirino calmed her down, she flopped down and was back to Tama again.

Did we see any angsting? Nope

When sensei 1 confronted her did we see her repentant? Not really she was taken aback by her own intensity, but I recon that the adrenaline pumping around her was as much to blame as anything else. If Kirino wasn't there who knows what would have happened.

When her father confronted her over it, did we see her repentant? Nope she actually was the opposite thanks to our access to her thought bubbles.

The things that actually impress me most about Tama isn't her overwhelming skill. It is things like when she overcame her fear in the shop, or noticing her dad wanting a present and sacrificing her most wanted for him, or putting her father before her/clubs personal bit of glory. Now how can a Tama that acts like that benefit from getting her arse whopped I ask you?
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