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Old 2008-02-21, 11:32   Link #208
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Talking about 'good boy' again, if I had to put the characters in D&D terms...

Shin = Lawful Good
The Paladin (aka. 'good boy') alignment. Helping the stranger out of the tree? Helping her with her 'chicken' problem? Giving up his 'love' because he thinks the one his interested in is in love with someone else? Sounds like a 'good' character to me. Him still sticking to the dancing thing despite him not really liking it? Being half compelled to keep his end of the bargain with Jun? Sounds like lawful to me.

Some might argue that he's going against his mom's wishes, but he does have support from his dad.

But I don't really see it so much as a 'persona' as it is his true self, to tell the truth though. He really is a 'good boy'; only problem is he's letting it get in the way of pursuing Hiromi. Sometimes you just have to throw away your values and beliefs and just go for the woman you want, lol.

Jun = Lawful Evil
Nice contrast actually to Shin (another reason why I don't want him to die, unlike a certain other recurring character in KimiKiss). He's not evil like 'I will kill this guy for the lulz', but he will do anything to achieve the ends he wants, without regard for other people's feelings. Lawful because he seems to be a BIG stickler for promises, and uses this often as a weapon of sorts.

Hiromi = Lawful Neutral
Why does she do some of the brewery work, despite being treated like shit by the mom? From my impression, she does it out of 'repayment', as despite the mom's cruel treatment, she still feels obligated to this family as they still took her in. Doesn't seem to be inclined helping others though, nor is she thoroughly selfish like Jun, so neutral on the other axis.

Noe= Chaotic Neutral
The whimsical weird girl who makes no sense half the time? Typical true chaotic character lol. Interestingly enough, she's as much as a foil to Hiromi's character as Jun is to Shin, even if we don't take alignment into account.

Nobuse= Neutral Good
Ahh yes, the true good character (aka the nice guy). Can't think bad of almost anyone, and puts his friends first and foremost. If there's anyone you'd like to be acquainted with, it would be people like these. Last episode, if it did not do anything else to his character, it enforced this.

Aiko= True Neutral
At first, I didn't know what to think of her alignment, as I honestly can't seem to see any shifts in any of the axis. I was going to put a '???' at first, but then I realized me not being to categorize her despite her having decent amount of screentime puts her in the true neutral category. Might change in the future, but that's how I see it at the moment.

Shin's Mom= Lawful Neutral
While a lot of people might see her actions against Hiromi as evil, even neutral characters do evil things to those who wrong them or who they hate. And she does feel some guilt even against those who she hates, as evident from the last episode where it looks as if she's almost apologetic to Hiromi.

She is lawful for sure, since she's very meticulous in keeping everything in the status quo. From wanting Shin to inherit the brewery to wanting Hiromi not walking with Shin because she's afraid of 'what the neighbours will think', she's of the Japanese mindset through and through. (Case people are wondering, Japanese society values and beliefs are most akin to Lawful Neutral)

Oddly enough, despite sharing the same alignment, she doesn't get along with Hiromi. But really, it's not so much that is a result of different ways of thinking but rather what happened in the past. I get the feeling that if the past was 'erased', Shin's mom would've loved to have a daughter like Hiromi.

And that's all the characters who have had a lot of screentime. Shin's dad and Hiromi's friend don't get nearly enough for me to have a good grasp on their personalities.

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