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Old 2008-02-26, 03:16   Link #47
Keine is moo.
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Ohio
Age: 42
I've been trying to beat Hard 5, and I am completely stuck on Suwonkas... well not exactly stuck, because I should be able to beat it, but it requires nearly perfect luck with enemies comboing and depleting their special gauge or not doing so, depending on the situation... so it takes me probably 30 tries just to get through the first wave of enemies, then something always goes wrong in the second wave; the biggest problem is the second wave has randomized elements, which changes the AI behavior each time so I can't memorize a strategy. I've been trying to take out the two groups separately by sacrificing Aruru to block the left side for a short time, but lately I keep getting a water swordsman on the right who completely ignores Hakuoro and Karura at the bottom of the stairs and homes in on Aruru, so the two groups just join up and hit me all at once.

I've made it to attempting to fight Suwonkas twice, the first time I had already lost Eruru so I just charged him, Touka's special attack didn't do enough damage, and Hakuoro promptly died. The second time I had everyone but Aruru left and at full health... I stopped and analyzed it and spent probably half an hour thinking things through, then when I broke the barrier I instantly lost because Suwonkas moved to the one square that was too far for Touka to reach and kill him, then both Suwonkas and an archer got two turns before Karura could even move and she died (thanks to them both comboing despite already depleting their gauge previously... otherwise she would have survived and I would have won immediately afterwards).

Having to keep Karura alive on Hard 5 is just complete bull... this battle would be no problem if I didn't have to deal with that. I'm sure I've spent close to 20 hours just on this stupid fight... I'm tempted to redo the last battle and see if I can get Touka more BP (although she already got most of the kills when I beat it before)... if she had even 1 more attack, I could probably eliminate one or more of the luck factors in dealing with the first wave (she keeps coming up just short of killing this one archer if his vitality is still maxed)... but if I get new elements this time, I'll have to redo my strategy anyway, which I really don't want to do.

EDIT: Took a break to play Touhou cause the heel of my mouse hand was getting extremely sore, went back right before going to bed and after only a few immediate reloads, finally beat it. Nearly blew it at the end when I decided to just kill the archers and beat him down instead of burning Touka's special... he killed Eruru then stuck himself in the corner where the stairs widen from 4 squares to 5 (so only 2 characters could attack), and I blocked Touka out from attacking him... beat him with Karura at 13 HP and Hakuoro at 38 HP

Last edited by Lynx190; 2008-02-26 at 16:56.
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