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Old 2008-02-29, 16:02   Link #241
Join Date: Jan 2008
Originally Posted by ani_d View Post
It just sucks because Noe is like a breath of fresh air in this show and it's gonna be lame if the ending is really the same as what I'm expecting. -_- I'm hoping for a cute twist in the end.
The thing is, Noe's cute character clashes with the overall tone and theme set by the writers for the show. This show is mostly about tears, deep emotions and drama. So her intended role is to provide that "breath of fresh air" while helping Shin but having her be the one in the end with Shin would'nt make sense because it would'nt fit into the nature of the show itself.

It would make sense in a different type of show with a more lighthearted and less serious feel to it to have Noe be the one. Characters have to match the show to make sense, otherwise it feels out of place.
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