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Old 2008-03-01, 00:00   Link #245
Yummy, sweet and unyuu!!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Originally Posted by tejvenim View Post
The sudden sweetness of Noe feels very out of place in relation to her usual eccentric and weird personality.

If Aiko show such sweetness, then it is logical and reasonable as it is consistent with her caring nice girl personality and her long time affection for Shin. However Noe is an eccentric and weird chicken girl for a very long time before she met Shin, one day she became Shin's girlfriend and suddenly display her girly sweetness, it feel so very fake.
I'm sorry but wasn't she sweet to her gran? Isn't she sweet to her bro? Noe didn't realise she liked Shin "that way", until now. Remember she has been labelled a "easy girl" by her peers, I don't blame her to be out of sorts around people she doesn't really know.

Again with the one sided views of Ai. Sure she treats Shin nice, but is the way she is treating Nobu nice? Also since we have only been shown her interactions around these two then you can't really say she is a nice caring girl all around. Out of the 2 people we have see her interact with I wouldn't say the way she deals with Nobu is all that sweet or caring.
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