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Old 2008-03-07, 00:17   Link #56
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Idaho
Age: 32
It's a sad, heartbreaking, cute(!), heartbreaking, tearful, cute(!) episode.
On one hand, aren't they just the cutest couple? xD
On the other hand, isn't Horo just the cutest little thing?!
But hands aside, this was really a hard episode to watch, with Horo just tailing along while Lawrence spills his pride in an unsealed gas tank and walk around hopelessly while his pride makes a fine wet trail behind him. Is the series really only 12 episode wrong? That's just too short for all this!! It feels like it needs to be really, really long... I think we could all watch Spice & Wolf through to episode 112, maybe even 212, am I right? ^_^
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