Thread: Licensed Rosario to Vampire
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Old 2008-03-08, 13:44   Link #1398
Join Date: Sep 2006
Okay, first let me note I have no knowledge of the manga. I just came into the anime and rather liked it.

That said, WHAT is going on with episode 10??? Did the budget get cut to pieces somewhere between episode 9 and 10? "Well, guys... popularity of the show has gone down, we just aren't making enough from comercials... you used up a lot of our budget on time so far, and you have lots of action planned for episode 10... you've got to spend about 1/4th the time you usually do on episodes to crank this sucker out..."

The animation quality was cut (for example, look at the active animation of Moka in vampiress form! The quality of the character's animation, drawing, etc is cut from previous episodes- less details, and for it to be so shockingly clear to an untrained eye like mine... that's bad). They 'cheat' the whole episode- constantly focusing on objects/background rather than the characters or movement, showing 'slideshow' stills rather than any kind of animated action. While characters are talking, they find excuses to cut away... yes, all anime's do this at times, but they did this SO MUCH this episode, it horrified me. None of the previous episodes hit me like this.

Add that to all the drawbacks mentioned above regarding plot, development, and dissapointment after the potential of episode 9... it makes me wonder if they even plan to keep this show going all the way to episode twelve or thirteen. Or if they are, will it even be worth watching if they've cut the budget and quality this much?

This scarily reminds me of a previous manga-turned-anime I got into, where throughout the length of it the budget was obviously cut- quality dropped, 'still' figures were used more and more, and less detailed characters... it was awful. It almost wasn't worth watching the rest of the anime. If they do this to Rosario, an anime that has actually grabbed my interest, I will be woefully dissapointed. I certainly hope they redeem themselves, or they'll loose me due to a single crappy epsode.
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