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Old 2008-03-15, 06:10   Link #96
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Decent episode didn't have that big impact at the end though just didn't feel it.

Also have to say that so far I have found Clannad to be fairly dissaponting. I really liked Air and Kannon but with Clannad I found it to be rather lacking in something that those two series had.

Sure the first 12 episodes for Kannon not much happened but it paid off big time in the 2nd half of the series when things started rolling because all of the characters were already well developed. But in Clannad nothing as big has happened and haven't found all the arcs to be all that great Fuko's arc lasted too long, Kotomi's arc was alright I guess but didn't comapre to any of the arcs to the other series, Tomoyo arc was rather short didn't have much impact and so far Nagisa's arc doesn't really affect me much.

And with only one more episode left doubt it will change my mind as to how I feel about this series. Not to say it's bad it just doesn't compare to that "epic" emotinal roller coaster to Air and Kanon.
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