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Old 2008-03-18, 18:16   Link #3
Aegisub dev
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Age: 40
There's already been a thread like this at least once before... but I can't bother to dig it up.

I think I can claim a (more or less direct) influence on many of the karaoke effects made today, but I won't let that get into the way of my argument.

I like watching a well-made karaoke effect, and I find it fun developing my own, as well as developing tools to enable making even more advanced effects.
On the other hand, I hate badly done karaoke effects, whether that means something as trivial as bad timing, bad choice of colours or fonts, or maybe a generally bad/annoying design of the effect. I forgot which group it was, but I remember a karaoke effect for the My-HiME OP that in my eyes simply killed the opening... I found the raws much more watchable during the opening only because of it not having karaoke. That effect was what I'd call "visual pollution".

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Don't ask for: More VSFilter changes (I won't), karaoke effects, help in PM's
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