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Old 2004-03-30, 23:14   Link #6
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by relentlessflame
And her "true ending" was the worse of all because she ended up with Takayuki! Um... err... no wait...

And, welcome Leux13 - always nice to meet a fellow Haruka supporter! Don't mind the insanity... people are fairly opinionated when it comes to the ending of KgNE! I hope that one day the KgNE game will get translated so we can all experience all the different possible endings for ourselves.
Lol, Thanks for the welcome relentlessflame. Yeah I hope they make a translated version soon. I want to see the other endings! I thought the Mizuki ending for the anime was kinda incomplete. Call me a sucker but I thought Tayayuki should've been faithful to Haruka. They should've finished the series with the true ending, but then we wouldn't have a story would we? Now I'm confused :P
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