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Old 2008-03-22, 14:25   Link #70
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Originally Posted by vio5555 View Post
Guys its a drama that was slated for 13 episodes.

Stop expecting every single episode to conclude the love story when there's still plot left to be executed. Step back for a second and realize that there'd be nothing left if they didn't leave parts of Noe/Hiromi to resolve themselves in episode 13. Granted that the series has been in resolution since the end of 9, it's just been winding to the finish and waiting for episode 13 for everything to become solidly clear.

We go through this every single week where it seem like a dozen Noe fans are ready to beat up on someone or a dozen Hiromi fans want to jump the ship, but some of the shippers need to realize that this perfunctory rush to judgment is getting more and more absurd every week.

Neither Hiromi nor Noe has had the reins to control the plot since episode 10, so the senseless "hating" on them needs to stop. Jun and Shin have controlled most of the plot since around episode 4 when they made their deal, and the ball was fully in Shin's court by episode 10 when he says he'll responsibility after Hiromi moves.

I fully expected Shin to make things clear by episode 13 and not too soon before since it would have totally tapered the drama off when he did make things clear. It's a drama, not a slice of life or any other kind of story, so it's obvious that the writers would try to keep the drama at a high level until episode 13.

Why in the world were some of you expecting Shin to make things clear in episodes 10-12, when the only thing that is 100% clear is that the drama level would have hit empty rapidly after he clears up his feelings...? I have no idea where that tendency comes from other than to suspect that the Hiromi/Noe supporters just want this to end in favor of their characters as early as possible, but still, that does not exactly provide an unbiased objective appreciation of the show's weaknesses and strengths.
Shin can't face Noe because he did a TERRIBLE thing to her. He is a coward at heart because of his good boy complex. I think Shin felt EXTREMELY guilty because Noe heard about him and Hiromi from Hiromi and not from himself. Hiromi is insecure about their relationship, after all she has gone through. People also keep forgetting that Shin has not broken his relationship with Noe officially. Noe has also not done so either, even though Shin wonders if the words she told him were for a break up.
My prediction is ShinxHiromi!
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