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Old 2004-03-31, 07:35   Link #13
from head to heel
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 42
Hmmm, are you sure there is no "true" game ending to the story itself? I know it's really up to the person to make his/her personal choice with regard to the 17 endings, but I think--at least storywise--Mitsuki's ending is more fitting and makes more sense--especially when you consider that hontou no takaramono scene in the end.

I heard that Haruka's ending was that everything just went back to normal like it was during their high school years and Takayuki ends up with Haruka, as if nothing happened at all. (clarification anyone?) And that just totally blows it out of proportion in my opinion. So, why did people start calling Mitsuki's end the "true ending" then?
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