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Old 2008-03-26, 11:25   Link #22592
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by ghazghkull View Post
Indeed...Indeed :3 Well so far, so good, wouldn't you agree? :3
I'm most definetely not complaining.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Well those Data beings don't self replicate and become impossible to remove without bruning a planet down to the bed rock for one...
Psaw, we can work around that.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
yeah we have late night IRC chat to thank for that once it came up everyone started talking about how to gender bend the rest of the cast...
Sometimes the result of a small post can be so... satisfying.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
The problem with this is that Hayate ought to be fighting at very long range so "getting the jump on her" is going to be tricky at best. Beyond that her skill set isn't suited to close fighting period so she has no sane reason to enter a confined area were ambush is possible without massive support anyway. (Just like you don't drive a tank into a city without infantry all around it).
80% of combat in Nanoha is mid- to close-range, combine that with teleportation abillities (Lieze Aria could move extremely long ranges in a flash, for example) and the idea of closing up on her becomes far more likely.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
The issue is that you seem to think that just a pittance of training is going to really help. I doubt it will myself if anything it could engender dangerous overconfidence. The skills needed for effective close range fighting and for long range boom and zoom nuking are entirely diffrent from those needed for close range fighting. Plus having almost no base to draw on for them it would be like trying to train a total noob it could take months years for her to grasp even enough to spar at a vuagely decent level and she'd still be pretty much helpless against a trained sowrdsmen.
(Put a guy that's been doing Jujitsu for 6 months into the ring with Royce Gracie and see how that goes maybe he last 30 seconds instead of 10...)

[COLOR=black]Learning a martial art is hard it takes allot of time and effort and having huge magic potential is only minimally helpful in this as weapons fighting is about skill, experience, and finesse more then brute power. Her huge magical potential could easily be plowed into learning new defensive powers like movement aids, trips, etc but that same huge magic potential is of little use in learning to fight at close range with a weapon. This is a important factor to consider Hayate has other things to be doing and could be forced to enter battle at any time so even if learning melee was “best” (debatable IMO) in theory in practice it might not be.
Again you seem to be asuming I expect her to defeat them. I don't, I expect her not to get pounded into oblivion as soon as someone gets close to her. I don't expect her to pull a Dante, I don't expect her to master a martial art, expect her to know basic self defense in melee. That does not take years to learn.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
I'd point out that defensive fighting with weapons is acutally often harder then offense. First off it requires a healthy knowledge of what the enemy is likely to do in any given situation (which varies massively depending on weapon, his style, and other factors), intense drilling (this stuff happens so fast you can't really think about it you need muscle memory), and even still it's often hit or miss. (Nearly all styles emphasis aggression to keep the enemy off balance over defensive fighting which is often seen as a MISTAKE and a good way to lose). That said there is one thing that all such fighters agree can be used to counter superior skill in your opponent and is a highly effective defense: run away. Just giving ground and fleeing is a very common tactics in any serious fighting art.
Wait, defensive fighting is harder? If you hold your ground while fighting, yes. But defensive fighting with the goal of clearing the close combat range is actually easier then fighting offensively. The basic who's and what's of various close combat weapons doesn't exactly take years to learn (note: The basics, actual experience is a different matter) and Hayate will need it. Imagine if Hayate is caught in melee and she knows nothing about them. She'll get killed no matter the skills of the enemy. Give her some basic knowledge and self-defence, and she at least stand a chance of surviving against basic grunt 132.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Jokes aside basiclly melee fighting with weapons isn’t something you can half ass if you’re not fighting to attack and kill the enemy you really shouldn’t be doing it. It’s also often a game of mutual suicide as the fact is that two skill fighters can often kill each other despite said skill due to the close range, the lethality of the weapons, and the difficulty in blocking and parrying inherent in real world situations. The saying and its variations are so old it’s almost cliché, but it’s still true.
True, but basic training in weapons is a lot different then doing things 'half assedly' any bit of experience counts when you are fighting someone with a weapon.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
The only way Nanoha or Yunno ever "handled" melee was rasing big ass force fields there enmies couldn't break easily. Nanoha didn't encouter Vita and turn RH into a spear and start trying to stab her or something. She used shields to tank hits and then blast her.

That I could see Hayate doing, but that's not "melee" IMO that's defensive magic and given you're take about "blocks" and "openings" and using her staff as a weapon that dosen't seem to be what you where thinking of either.
The manga notes Nanoha and Signum fighting in blatant melee, also note that the fight did not have a winner, which shows Nanoha can defend herself in melee. That is what I expect Hayate to be capable of: Survive.

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
She has flaws you could exploit she seems to have at least a bit of insecurity for example and I've always contended the mother to Vivio angle could be exploited for DRAMA(!) (though I'm not much of a fan of Kags take on it). That said yeah she's not a walking illustration of half the pathos in the DSM unlike some protagonists but as I've said that's one of the things I like about her.
Yes, I still find it a shame that 7arcs completely dropped all that potentional in favour of NanoFate fanservice.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post No Sousuke/Chidori mechanic?

And that timeline is where the Tentacle joke supposed to reside!!! Uuuh... How now...
Sousuke/Chidori? No, not possible. Keroko is a lot calmer by then.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
I'm not quite sure why either, but it stems from me not understanding a bit of the WAAAAAGH to even bring them logically into the Nanohaverse.
Pweh, if we can introduce Tyranids, Orks shouldn't be a problem.

Originally Posted by Kha View Post

Still waiting. :3

Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Okay this is like Xbox HUGE (Ended up at 15,800 words) and though I've read it over a few times, I still might be missing stuff so feel free to point out anything that seems weird. I'm pretty happy with it overall though I think the fight scene might be a tad dry, but I wasn't getting much mojo going for it and basiclly just had to force it out to finish the piece so yeah I won't take any offense if you find it lacking.

I haven't used this in a while but I think it's called for...

Anyway without Further adieu my latest fic! Which still has no name... We've been over this I suck at names lets move on...

Spoiler for SIZE:
Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Part 2:
Spoiler for EVEN MORE SIZE:
Originally Posted by Tk3997 View Post
Spoiler for Part 3 YES THREE:
That was big, that was intriguing, and to top it off with a nice cherry: It was filled with Vita!


Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Genderbent of Nanoha

White Devil Never Looked This Cool.

Spoiler for Captain Nanoha Takamachi:
"It has arived" :3

Originally Posted by Kagerou View Post
A preview of Scene 3. Posted because of implications...

Spoiler for Yuunoko in the making?:

That.... that.... that.... THAT WAS AWESOME!

If I recall... this is the first Yuunoko piece up untill now.

Gotta get off my lazy butt and write....

Anxiously awaiting the chapter. :3:3:3

Originally Posted by Kha View Post
Eto... I wanted to do that for UBW KhaxKeroko, since Keroko loves tech and all, Kha's mode of attack would be through there since he has access to an armory of Belka-pattern Bolter devices...
No problems here.
Keroko is offline