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Old 2008-03-29, 11:37   Link #11
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by luckyovermind View Post
And there you went all crazy about it over at visualnews
I obsess over games that I'm playing or replaying. If I was playing Cartagra for the first time you'd hear about it, too. MOON.'s great, but ONE is amazing, and is nowhere near as actively painful to play through.

Lemme give you a bit of an idea. This is a screenshot of one of many locations in MOON.:

You're the red dot, and you have to pick options to move around the map, as well as search for stuff. There's only one map in which you literally have to search every single tile for something, but it's fairly small. That's not the issue here. The issue is that just moving around is painful. The mouse position actually resets after every option you pick, meaning that you have to reposition the mouse each time, even if you're moving several steps in the same direction. It gets tiring because you need to move back and forth between locations as the time of day changes and certain events happen or become unlocked. You are (to an extent) guided through the game, but it's still tiring.

Now, that itself would be semi-okay if they didn't go and abuse it near the end of the game.

This level. You follow an exit down from the upper floor to get to that floor, which has an exit going up (the one you came through) and an exit going down. Go down, and you'll see a level quite similar, but rotated around. Go down further and you'll get different rotations until you're on a floor that looks the same as the one you went down before. And there are 20 levels of this torture. The thing that threatened my resolve to play the game more than anything else. Why does it even EXIST? It's the combination of that inane spiral-staircase-like climbing exercise and the game's painful system of navigating your way around that make this murderous.

MOON. has flaws. Very, very big ones. They can't NOT hurt its standing in my book.

Plus all the rape. I'm not too big on rape.

MOON. is still great, but yeah, there's a lot of better games, and MOON. itself would have been better without some of those things I found distasteful.

Originally Posted by luckyovermind View Post
BTW. who is your first? That guy who wrote the sunflower girl?
I really am that transparent, aren't I? Well..'re very close, and might have been right before (apart from Maeda, whom I think is potentially a better scenario writer than るーすぼーい. Scenario writing isn't everything in a game, though). But I've found a new love. He wrote a sunflower story too. ^_^

Himawari is something you tend to pick up on more and more with multiple replays, even re-exploring the same routes. It's quite long, but I don't mind personally =p There's also stuff written on blank-note's website that helps to elucidate confusing aspects of the complex and extremely multifaceted plot. I do want to talk about Himawari, but I think that can be saved for another time.

Last edited by Asceai; 2008-03-29 at 12:00.
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