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Old 2008-03-29, 16:15   Link #10
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: London, UK
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Claes View Post

Some question, did the production team still the same with the original Someday's Dreamer?
I hope they keep the beautifull animation and music, one of the selling point of this series
It's a different team behind this show - HAL Film Maker is animating rather than JC Staff and the new director is Osamu Kobayashi, who directed Paradise Kiss and BECK.

This could be both a good thing and a bad thing. The whole point of the Someday's Dreamers world is that magic is an accepted part of every day life and is very normal, something which Kobayashi is excellent at bringing out - his animation is very nuanced and "verité" if that makes any sense. However, in the past I've found his work really very boring indeed - I found both shows utterly lacking in energy, and his work on Kemonozume was static and lifeless (although he was saddled with a pretty dumb script on his episode). Masami Shimoda has unfortunately died since the first series was made, but I'm hopeful that Kobayashi will either capture the same atmosphere as the original show or enhance it (perhaps by hewing closer to the look of the manga?)

HAL Film Maker I have no qualms about as long as they have a decent amount of money to play with (given the cross-media blitz on Natsu no Sora there's clearly something bankrolling it!). Whilst they're not known for flashy animation because they don't tend to do very high-profile shows, their work on shows like Princess Tutu and Pretear show they can pull out the flash when necessary, and work on shows like Uta~Kata and Aria shows that the animation staff know their way around fantasy slice-of-life. I just hope all turns out well.
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