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Old 2008-04-12, 03:01   Link #2278
Lore Hunter
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: GMT +1
Age: 40
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Mushi, so now you are aware of the dinner scene which was never animated~

Anyway, onto bio work...

Ryou is done - no edits were necessary (damn it's depressing how little there is to her)
Chiaki, Shiori, Tama-chan

Upped a bunch more arbitrary bios to Priority for Proofreaders.

Also, do we have anyone who can do Konomi, Tama-nee or Yurie's bios? ToHeart2 OVA didn't cover much for Konomi and I dropped Kamichu after 1 ep (the 8 million deities thing and its execution didn't appeal to me). Even if it's just going to Wikipedia and adapting what you see there, we need these bios written.

Lol and that is a win quote I got from my friend on Negima bios: "Negima girls? RTFM. That is all"

And that's Tamao's bio re-done. Calling in 2nd wave of proofreading.

Moe Culture Essays (my archive of my long posts); J Saimoe 2008 Wiki pages (minimialistic ASuki link library for now)

Last edited by Psieye; 2008-04-12 at 03:33.
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