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Old 2008-04-14, 14:15   Link #176
Join Date: Jan 2008
Originally Posted by ashlay View Post
no, they're not. Lelouch doesn't give long term orders because he refuses to do so. It's as simple as that.

As for what the power of the geass is and what's up with C.C., V.V., the Sword of Akasha, etc., you will likely see that. But Lelouch just doesn't give long term orders because that's a part of his character. >_>

(though if you want to go beyond the show into why from a writing standpoint, it's because the writers don't allow themselves because then they'd get lazy with the use of the geass orders and the show would be relatively boring.)
Sorry, but I have to ask, why do the people here have this impression that Lelouch has the ability for longer geass's but chooses not to use them? We only have basically two incidences, and we havent seen Suzaku's live order re-kick in, yet. Oh, and Euphie's was probably long term as well, though we will never know that now. I am not saying Lelouch is ethicless, but it seems you are accrediting him with a much greater fortitude on this matter than he has shown any evidence of having.
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