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Old 2003-11-16, 22:17   Link #56
Oscar winning black actor
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Nine-Tails-Nin

I'm not absolutely sure if this is the correct place to get my question answered but.....I'm a newbie and I have a question. So here goes and hopefully I'm not about to make myself flame bait (one never knows when it comes to a new forum do they?).

If you lost all your episodes of Naruto how would you go about reaquiring all of them? I them again...duh...but how would you go about it. I have a few places to look but I can't seem to find sites with many seeders left for the early episodes. Anyway am I out of luck when it comes to getting all the episodes back or am I blind for thinking it would be difficult?

Thanks in advance.
I would go here
and download from the begining.
You wont find single episdoes seeded, but batch torrents with 4-5 episodes each
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