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Old 2008-04-25, 23:48   Link #81
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Over the rainbow.
Age: 38
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Very logical Maqi. But it just seems...........too obvious :S. Could it be a red herring from Kubo?
I notice Kubo gathered most of the logical suspects immediately after. You have:

1)Gin,Tousen and Aizen.
2)Mayuri, Gin and Aizen
3) Shinji and ???
4) Mayuri, Urahara and Hiyori.

And of course, you have the x-factor..........potentially some external threat or other previously unknown enemy. Also, when those 3 shinigami talk of "the prototype"..........could they mean the Hogyokou?

Why do I get the feeling that the hollow Kensei killed was one of his vanguards? In fact, all of the missing people might've been transformed into hollows.
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