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Old 2008-05-01, 10:03   Link #23986
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Ooookay, this is creeping me out. Where the hell is everyone? Not just the OC-thread, the entire Nanoha board seems to have gone into hibernation!

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
To concentrate their forces like that, they'd have to assume the Wolkies are in Uminari instead of somewhere else on the planet. Why would they assume that? If they had to spread out across even Japan alone, there'd hardly be any more people in Uminari than there were in the anime.
Aside from what the others said, I was talking about 'accidental encounters' like, walking on the street and seeing Shamal going shopping kind of thing.

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
One hitch. How are they going to awaken the Book without feeding it? That's actually why I labelled this plan as most risky. Not that it was awaekend in a populated area.
We already know magic is a comon energy source on Mid. Simply feed it magic from a reactor.

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
And none of it seemed to have any hope. Everything in A's seemed to give the impression that the Book was not only corrupted, but corrupted in such a way that undoing or avoiding the corruption was impossible. Like someone purposefully designed it in such a way, like a certain anime studio for example...
True, but again: At that time they were pressed for time. And they did gave up a bit too easilly after Reinforce had her say. Again, this is only a theory anyway.

Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Another mistranslation again? I recall one of Yuuno's briefings from the Library that the Book will consume its host if it isn't fed with magic from other mages. It does consume its host after it awakens, but that's a different event.
Eventually, yes. But it is also said that the more the book is fed, the more the draining from the host is sped up by Yuuno in the same episode.

Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
All right. But it would at least be supersonic, right?
"really fast by Nanohaverse standards" means that you don't paste a specific speed behind it.

Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
The following text is a summary and compilation written by an entity who gave himself
the "Archivist" name. Ancient Belka's historical archives being mostly fragments
of the bigger history, it was quite difficult to get the full picture of what was
Ancient Belka Empire, and its greatest accomplisshment.
Spoiler for Belka the planet:

Spoiler for From the founding of Belka to the rise of the Empire:

Spoiler for Author's notes:
Geh... while nicely written and all, I hope you don't mind if I don't use this. This'll screw up several trancendant lines in Fall of an Empire.
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