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Old 2008-05-04, 15:57   Link #112
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by Ash Falls Town View Post
I think 20 Faces is less interested in stealing stuff and more interested in destroying super weapons.
Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't really given the question of why they blew up the plane enough thought. This also helps me understand why we're supposed to sympathize with a bunch of master thieves, which has been bothering me for a while in this show.

So far, Twenty Faces and Company don't appear to be a modern Robin Hood and his Merry Men. I see the stealing from the rich but not much giving to the poor. They did throw the wallet to the woman who appeared to be helping them, but that was more payment for services rendered. Destroying super weapons gives them a more admirable goal than simply outsmarting "pigs" and stealing their prized possessions.

I do admire his decision to "adopt" Chiko, though he had emotional needs of his own that bringing a young girl into his life might meet. In a couple of speeches he displays a wistful longing for more in life and appears to see Chiko as the path to that. He might be as interested in developing an emotional life as he is in destroying weapons.

I guess a number of us found Hirano's delivery of the rice balls line in episode three especially strking. It's been mentioned more than once in other postings about this show.

Daughter of Twenty Faces vies with Kurenai for my attention thus far this season. I like the absence of fantasy elements in this show, but the story in Kurenai has so far been more compelling. They both have excellent voice-acting performances, solid writing, and lovely artwork. I expect I'll be watching both these shows until their conclusions.

Last edited by SeijiSensei; 2008-05-04 at 16:45. Reason: diction
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