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Old 2008-05-11, 18:58   Link #23
Go to DMC! Go to DMC!
Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by Wesley84 View Post
Just how much of Earth had been mobolized? You'd expect most of the fighting to be done by men.
... which is why the bridge was all women, versus on current carriers and other craft where women are still a minority? Kawamori DID state he'd wanted to originally make the captain a woman, but got shot down which is how he came up with Misa Hayase instead. From what we can tell, there's a lot of women in the forces especially to judge by the people seen in the base as well as who delivered Global his marching orders after Toronto got nuked.

Basically, the thing is this - population areas tend to be fairly even in gender ratios in most countries except those where gender-motivated abortion and infanticide occurs due to a cultural bias towards men (which is resulting in a serious imbalance in China and India as a result). Thus, with the way Earth got nuked by the Zentradi, any surviving populations would generally be on a one-to-one ratio as far as male versus female survivors are concerned; military or civilian wouldn't matter in this case, due to the way those ratios are maintained in their general populations as a whole. In the case of the Macross military, we see a lot of women in support and rear-line roles, but given that combat isn't being done hand-to-hand (remembering that they're fighting giants), physical strength or lack of isn't a big requirement or a stumbling block with regards to recruitment.

Now, with the Zent fleets allied with Earth, most of them were male due to the way the Zentradi and Meltlandi populations are gender-segregated... and as far as we know, most of the Meltlandi at that climatic battle were with the enemy. That, and most anyone on Earth except those in deep shelters or in REALLY isolated areas who managed to get help or rescue quickly (and stayed clear of radiation) got wiped out.
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