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Old 2008-05-14, 11:23   Link #246
Dark Wing
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Join Date: May 2007
Age: 38
Originally Posted by crisis View Post
There's no harm in screwing your brain over trying to figure out what kind of development the characters will be getting.

So what are we supposed to do, throw out things like "omigosh, VF-25 is making eyes at RVF-25!!!"? (Which I'm sure they secretly are anyway.) :|
But I don't see anyone trying to figure out a characters development here...All I see is post saying how Ranka or Sheryl would be a better choose for Alto and it's driving me crazy. It's like everyone has nothing else to talk about...

If you want "omigosh-ness" go watch a comedy/romance anime series or better yet a soap opera or B rank teen movie...Just leave it out of my Macross...

Originally Posted by crisis View Post
I don't think Macross F will be like that. I mean it takes YEARS to accumulate that much hate and immaturity and M.F started like what, a month ago?
Thats why I'm saying nip it in the bud right now before it gets to that point...

Originally Posted by Westlo View Post
I see what you mean, if we get a finale that's as good as Love Drifts Away* from Macross and the majority of comments is "Oh no Sheryl/Ranka lost this sucks and alto sucks!" or "yay sheryl/ranka won suck it!"... well that would be disappointed to say the least.

*I know Love Drifts Away isn't the real ending but it's the climatic finish to the series imo... wasn't really a fan of all that added on stuff that we got because it was rating so well..
At that point we'll be seeing a lot of AU fics poping up all over place then...
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